Photo Album 1
A page of contributed photographs from Society members showing events and activities.
Portable at Clashindarroch Forest - July 2024 QRP Contest

AARS operated this solar powered station for the RSGB QRP contest in July 2024. Amongst those taking part were Pete GM3XOQ, Steve GM0ULK, Jim 2M0IAQ, Fred GM3ALZ, Graham GM4OBD and David MM0MVX.
The solar panels were the same as those used for the RSGB HF NFD event in 2023 (see pictures further down) and provided a noise free supply (no inverters) for the station.

Necessity is the mother of invention.
Ingenuity was required to keep the station operational at times. When the sun came out, it was very difficult to read the screen of the laptop used for logging. In the end, making use of what was available (a large towel and a few other items to hand) provided the solution!
Operating 'under cover' are Fred GM3ALZ and Graham GM4OBD (hidden at the back).

June 26th 2024
Jose MM0GAL/EA1RG and Graham MM0IYD (on right) in north-west Spain.
AARS members Jose and Graham were able to meet up in north-west Spain to enjoy a few beers when Graham, who was sailing south from the UK, was moored for a short stay in a port near to where Jose lives. Jose regularly attends AARS meetings when he is working in the UK.
Portable at Clashindarroch Forest - May 2024
A good day operating portable at Clash with the station spending a lot of time on the 18MHz band.

Fred GM3ALZ managed Japan (JA) on SSB using the delta-loop antenna. George MM0TGG found an even stronger JA but wasn't fast enough to get him into the log before the whole of Europe started calling!

Other operators at the station and enjoying the fine weather were Graham GM4OBD and Norman GM3WIJ.

AARS station GM3BSQ/P came 3rd in the renewable energy QRP section. The rig was the Elecraft K2 (5 watts) with a lightweight doublet with open wire feeders, supported by a 10m SOTA pole.
The complete station was powered entirely by Graham GM4OBD's four panel solar panel system, with its analogue control unit giving selectable voltage outputs. The system is completely free of any of the QRM often produced by inverter type solar installations. Graham wrote an article on this system, which appeared in G-QRP Club's Sprat magazine.
Notice the station 'guard dog' keeping a close watch on the photographer!
Picture courtesy of Norman GM3WIJ.

RSGB Low Power Contest 2023
Photograph of the portable station set up by Norman GM3WIJ and using the AARS club call sign GM3BSQ/P, which took 1st prize in the RSGB Low Power (QRP) Contest. The entry was awarded the Houston Fergus Trophy (10 watts portable section).
A picture of the operating desk appears on our home page.
Picture courtesy of Norman GM3WIJ

IOTA Contest
Steve GM0ULK has contributed this photograph of a recent visit to the Isle of Skye for the IOTA Contest. He operated portable from his van with the HF antenna shown, with his score made on behalf of the club's entry in the contest.