Officials and Documents
The Committee consists of the President, Vice-President and Secretary together with four ordinary members. The Committee also appoints a Treasurer, who is not a member of the Committee.
Here are the office holders for the current year (2024/25).
President - James Campbell - 2M0IAQ
Vice President - Dennis Cowe - 2M0DWC
Secretary - Fred Gordon - GM3ALZ
Member - Neil Clark - MM0HZO
Member - David Wilson - MM0MVX
Member - Mohamed Selim - 2M0YMO
Member - Mark Simpson - MM7EWJ
AARS has public liability insurance cover in respect of our normal range of activities through our affiliation to the Radio Society of Great Britain. If you require information regarding the cover provided to us by the RSGB's Combined Policy please contact us.
Membership & Other Documents
If you are interested in finding out more about amateur radio and AARS, then you are invited to come along to one of our meetings, where you will be made most welcome. Alternatively, you can get in touch beforehand. See our Contact Us page for further information.
Membership costs just £25 per year (£20 for those living further away), or £11 per year for students and junior members. Download forms and documents below.