For Sale and Wanted
This page is a listing area for AARS members to advertise amateur radio and electronics related items for sale or place wanted requests. It is up to interested individuals to negotiate directly using the contact details provided in the listings. Descriptions are given in good faith but the Society cannot accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions that may occur so please satisfy yourself as to the condition or suitability of any items offered. Items or requests will remain on the page for 30 days but may be resubmitted if necessary. Please advise us if anything is to be removed within the 30 day period (eg if sold).
26 July 2024
For Sale (Members Only) - 450 Ohm Ladder Line
The club has a drum of good quality 450 Ohm ladder line, which is available to members at 50p per metre. This price is around half the (vat inclusive) price seen advertised online by major retailers. If you would like to purchase some of this ladder line please contact Eddie MM0MUN or Dennis 2M0DWC at the club.