
 Basic amateur radio station

Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society was founded in 1946 and has brought together amateur radio enthusiasts from across the north-east of Scotland ever since. Meetings are held in Aberdeen on most Thursday evenings throughout the year and a warm welcome awaits any prospective new members who are interested in joining us.

To find out more about the Society and our activities, please make a selection from the menus above. If you can't find the information you require feel free to contact us and we will be pleased to help.


Latest News

Next Meeting:  The next meeting is on Thursday, 19th September at 7.30pm. This is an informal meeting as there is no specific event in place on the calendar at this time. Any change to this in the meantime will be announced here. Before the main meeting starts, Graham GM4OBD will be running the CW practice session at 7pm. Old hands and beginners are welcome so if you would like to join in, bring a pair of headphones fitted with a 3.5mm jack plug. Keep up-to-date with all our latest events listings and any changes on the Events Programme page.

Advance Notice:  The Moray Firth Amateur Radio Society (MFARS) will be holding their next Radio & Electronics Surplus Equipment Sale on Saturday, 12th October in the Roseisle Village Hall, College of Roseisle, Elgin IV30 5YD. For further information visit the MFARS website here.

Car Parking: There is some parking available at the AARS club premises but members are respectfully reminded that parking on the grass is not permitted. If no space is available outside the club, there is plenty of additional free on-road parking just a short walking distance away. We need to keep the grass area in good condition as it is used by a children's playgroup for outdoor activities during the day.


AARS radio shack
AARS clubroom meeting


Latest Solar Data


Club callsign banner